Why accoRHis and who are we?

Human resources, one of the driving factors in a company's development, are not always given the consideration they should be by the head of a company. The reasons given are many. Are they justified?

Labour legislation is seen as too complex given the thickness of the Labour Code, as a brake on development and freedom of enterprise, and very often the introduction of HR tools is seen more as a cost to the company than an investment.

Moreover, faced with the dozens of things a company manager has to do, he or she does not have much time and not necessarily all the skills required to optimise human resources management.

Finally, the needs in terms of human resources management do not always justify the hiring of a full-time HR specialist.

It is on the basis of these facts, and with the aim of providing support for managers in the development of their companies, that accoRHis was born.

True partners of the manager, able to listen to your concerns, we place our specific skills, our recognised professionalism and our flexibility at your service as a part-time HR Manager or transitional manager.